Jurnal Teknologi Infrastruktur Berkelanjutan (JTIB) initiated since the end of 2017 through a discussion meeting annual work Politeknik Negeri Manado as a foundation to accommodate the works of scientific research in the environment of education and research institutions in an effort to fulfil the mandate of higher education called "Tri Dharma". In 2018 the Manado State Polytechnic through the Center for Research and Community Service (P3M) establish POLIMDOSAINS as a forum for publishing and preparing an open journal system while proposing the application of licensing for a periodical scientific publication to the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) which is then approved through the issuance of the decree publishing:

Since the initial publication, JTIB adopts a publication through the editorial and publishing process with stages that must be passed, namely: 1) submission of the manuscript, 2) review process; 3) copyediting; 4) and production. All these stages are based online, utilizing open journal systems. JTIB inaugural edition was issued in July 2018 through the publication Vol 1 No. 1: February-July 2018.

akses jurnal http://p3m.polimdo.ac.id/jurnal/index.php/JTIB/issue/view/Vol-1-No-1-July-2018