Analisis penerapan E-commerce dalam Marketing Pemasaran pada Industri Perhotelan

  • Iis Anggreini Manoi
  • Maryke Alelo
  • Djibrael Djawa


Absract: Analysis of E-Commerce Implementation in Sales Marketing of Hotel Industry.  In this information era, electronic media have become practical tools for communication and business.  One of the technological implementations in expanding business competitions and selling products is using electronic commerce (E-Commerce) for marketing various service products.  Generally, E-Commerce can be defined as a form of goods or services trade transactions using electronic medium, that is, Internet.  Travelo Hotel Manado is one of the hotels which appliez E-Commerce system in its room selling activities.  From the observation conducted by the writer, it is known that the application of E-Commerce has some constraints that it is not yet optimally applied.  This research aims to analyze the E-Commerce application in room selling and the constraints in its application.  The method used in this research is Qualitative method, that is, presenting the research results and analysis descriptively.  And for calculating the room selling forcast for the next few years, the simple statistical formula Y = a + bx is used.  The results of research show that the room selling at Travelo Hotel Manado starting from 2009 up to 2013 has constantly increased.  On the average 15.460 rooms were sold per year and of this  number only 74 rooms were sold using.  E-Commerce which was only 0.47% per year, while the conventional selling contributed 99,53 % on the average per year.  The average selling figure 15.460 (+ 43,36% of room occupancy rate)  per year has not reached the target 100% occupancy rate which is + 36.  135 rooms to be sold per year. From the results of analysis, it can be concluded that the E-Commerce application has not yet been maximally implemented due to some constraints such as : hotel website problems, the marketing targets by the management which are only focused on the government institutions and local companies, the majority of guests who stay in this hotel are local guests and the E-Commerce activities financing.  The results of analysis further indicate that E-Commerce is profitable for both the hotel and the guests.  In addition, from the results of the simple stasticical calculation with formula Y = a + bx for forcasting the room selling in the future by marking up di E-Commerce selling figures per year and the results of the forcast is predicted that the value of room selling will also increase in the next few years.
Jan 1, 2014
How to Cite
MANOI, Iis Anggreini; ALELO, Maryke; DJAWA, Djibrael. Analisis penerapan E-commerce dalam Marketing Pemasaran pada Industri Perhotelan. HOSPITALITY AND TOURISM, [S.l.], v. 1, n. 1, jan. 2014. ISSN 2354-8355. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 27 july 2024.