• Alvin Anita Wagiu
  • Agustinus Walansendow
  • Sony Wijanarko


Abstract : The influence of human resources competence and the quality of service. This research aims to measure to what extent human resources competence influences the quality of service, the extent of human resources competence on the quality of service and explain what each employee must have. This study was conducted at Ranotana café, Gran Puri Hotel Manado. The technique employed in this research was quantitative method and the data were collected using observation, interview, survey and document. The samples were taken using random sampling and the method of data analysis used was the simple Linear regression where variable (X) (Human Resources Competence) and variable(Y) (Quality Of Service) with the equation y= a+bx and the correlation coefficient analysis for measuring the strength of relation between variable (X) and variable (Y). The end result of the research obtained from the calculation of the simple Linear regression analysis is (Y)= 18,2+0,61(X) which shows that every unit increase of variable (X) (Human Resources Competence) will result in an 0,61increase of variable (Y) (Quality of service) and determinant coefficient r2= 8,81 or 65,61%. This indicates that there is a variable variation in the quality of service caused by human resources quality as great as 65,61% the remaining 34,39% is influenced by other factors that were not observed such as lack of cutleries ,lack of diversity of menu served and lack of communication and care from the management
Jun 27, 2016
How to Cite
WAGIU, Alvin Anita; WALANSENDOW, Agustinus; WIJANARKO, Sony. PENGARUH KOMPETENSI TENAGA KERJA TERHADAP KUALITAS PELAYANAN. HOSPITALITY AND TOURISM, [S.l.], v. 2, n. 2, june 2016. ISSN 2354-8355. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 27 july 2024.