• Marlenda Pangkey
  • Bet El Silisna Lagarense
  • Rudy A.J Wowiling


Abstract: Application of Information Systems Opera in Reservations Department at Hotel
Novotel Manado. The information system is a system within an organization that reconciles
the needs of daily transaction processing, support the operation, managerial in character
and strategic activities of an organization as well as provide certain outside parties with the
necessary reports.In general, the reservation is reserving facilities including accommodation,
meal, seat pad in the show, airplanes, trains, foam, entertainment, night club, discoutegue
including booking hotel rooms.Population and sample in this study were employees on
duty in the reservation department, the respondents are very few and only 9 people. The
calculation is done by using the simple empirical formula, as well as the determination of
the value-oriented to simple statistics with data collected through a questionnaire.Motivation
of development of information systems at Hotel Novotel Manado is a profit motive, thus
the profit and loss aspects are taken into consideration in the development of the system.
Based on respondents’ ratings of the three operational criteria of reservation department
in Novotel Hotel, Manado. In general the condition of reservation department based on the
views of respondents is 80.12%, agree 17:16% and fairly agree 2.70% disegree.

Jul 1, 2016
How to Cite
PANGKEY, Marlenda; LAGARENSE, Bet El Silisna; WOWILING, Rudy A.J. PENERAPAN SISTEM INFORMASI OPERA PADA BAGIAN RESERVASI HOTEL. HOSPITALITY AND TOURISM, [S.l.], v. 3, n. 2, july 2016. ISSN 2354-8355. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 27 july 2024.